Dejad a las mujeres hablar, dejad a las mujeres actuar

Nosostras sabemos que los dos pueblos Pueden vivir en esta tierra. Dejen a las mujeres palestinas e israelíes guiar el camino. Las mujeres israelíes lograron cambiar la opinión pública sobre la terrible y sin sentido guerra del Líbano. Las mujeres palestinas fueron valientes luchando en unión con las mujeres israelíes en las iniciativas por la paz.

Nosotras las mujeres podemos también encontrar el fin de este círculo de violencia. Nosotras queremos compartir los recursos de esta tierra, su agua, su vino, y sus lugares sagrados. Israel no debe dominar la vida de los palestinos. Ninguno de los dos, ni Palestina ni Israel, debe creer que es posible conseguir la paz a través de la violencia. Mujeres Palestinas e Israelíes han hablado aquí durante años sobre su futuro. Decenas de miles de mujeres a través del mundo han apoyado nuestra visión de construir la paz. Estos han sido esfuerzos pacíficos. Ahora ha llegado el momento de alzar nuestras voces e insistir en ser escuchadas. Las mujeres van a hablar- ellas no van a disparar. Permitan a las mujeres participar.

Nosotras no queremos que la próxima generación vista uniforme, para ir a la guerra. Nosotras queremos que conozcan la autodeterminación y la dignidad, sin necesidad de luchar por esto. ¡Dejen a las mujeres hablar! ¡Dejen a las mujeres actuar! Nosotras tenemos dolor, nosotras estamos indignadas, nosotras estamos asustadas. Antes que sea tarde – dejen a las mujeres hablar.

La Coalición de Mujeres a favor de una Paz con Justicia pide:

· Que se ponga fin a la ocupación.
· Que se incluya a las mujeres en los procesos de negociación de la paz.
· Que se establezca el estado de Palestina junto al estado de Israel de acuerdo a las fronteras que se establecieron en 1967.
· Que se reconozca Jerusalén como capital compartida de los dos estados.
· Que Israel reconozca su parte de responsabilidad en las consecuencias de la guerra de 1948 y que busque, consecuentemente, soluciones para las y los refugiados palestinos.
· La igualdad, inclusión y justicia también para las y los ciudadanos palestinos de Israel.
· La oposición total al militarismo que marca profundamente la sociedad israelí.
· La igualdad de derechos para las mujeres y para todas las personas que residan en Israel.
· La justicia económica y social para todas y todos los ciudadanos de Israel.
· La integración cultural, económica y social de Israel en la región.

14 de januari del 2002
Mujeres de Negro de Israel, Sodepaz

La Coalición de Mujeres a favor de una Paz con Justicia está integrada por: Bat Shalom; Machsom Watch; Madres y Mujeres por la Paz (antes, el Movimiento de las Cuatro Madres); New Profile: Movimiento a favor de la Civilización de la Sociedad en Israel; NELED: Mujeres a favor de la Coexistencia; Noga Feminist Journal; TANDI: Movimiento Democrático de Mujeres; Women Engendering Peace [Mujeres dándole genero a la paz]; Mujeres de Negro; WILPF-Israel chapter [Liga internacional de las mujeres a favor de la paz y la libertad].
Convocatorias de Mujeres de Negro en y

Una política de venganza – B’Tselem

10 de octubre 2023

Poco a poco está saliendo a la luz el alcance total de estos horrendos crímenes.

Esa misma noche, el Primer Ministro Benjamín Netanyahu afirmó que Israel está en guerra con Gaza y se “vengará con fuerza”. Prometió reducir los lugares de Hamás a escombros y dijo a los habitantes de Gaza: “Salgan ahora. Actuaremos en todas partes y con toda la fuerza”. El ministro de Defensa, Yoav Gallant, ordenó el cierre de todos los cruces entre Israel y Gaza y anunció que “no habrá electricidad, ni alimentos, ni combustible”.’Prometió reducir los lugares de Hamás a escombros y dijo a los habitantes de Gaza: “Salgan ahora. Actuaremos en todas partes y con toda la fuerza”. El ministro de Defensa, Yoav Gallant, ordenó el cierre de todos los cruces entre Israel y Gaza y anunció que “no habrá electricidad, ni alimentos, ni combustible”.

– todo se apagó. Estamos luchando contra los animales humanos y actuamos en consecuencia”. Esta mañana, el portavoz de las FDI dijo que “el énfasis está en el daño más que en la precisión”.

Está en marcha una política criminal de venganza. Desde el sábado, Israel ha lanzado cientos de toneladas de bombas sobre Gaza. El llamado de Netanyahu a los residentes para que se vayan es una farsa que no guarda relación con la realidad. La Franja de Gaza está cerrada por todos lados y los residentes no tienen salida.

No hay refugios ni forma de protegerse de los ataques aéreos. Entre las personas que murieron, algunas de ellas todavía atrapadas bajo los escombros, se encuentran familias enteras aniquiladas en un solo bombardeo, entre ellas al menos 140 menores y 105 mujeres. El número de muertos aumenta minuto a minuto.

También se ha cumplido la orden de preferir el daño a la precisión. Cientos de casas ya están en ruinas, incluidas torres residenciales reducidas a escombros y casas que se derrumbaron sobre los habitantes. Más de 180.000 personas han sido desplazadas internamente.

Los ataques aéreos han dañado carreteras y edificios públicos, incluidas escuelas y clínicas médicas. Los hospitales funcionan sólo parcialmente: algunos resultaron dañados por los bombardeos y todos carecen gravemente de equipo médico y combustible para generadores eléctricos.

También se ha implementado la decisión de encarcelar a Gaza aún más severamente de lo habitual. Los cruces están cerrados y no se pueden introducir mercancías. Israel ha desconectado Gaza de la red eléctrica y la población depende ahora de la pequeña central eléctrica local que sólo aguantará varios días hasta que se acabe el gasóleo. El agua también es escasa: casi toda el agua extraída en Gaza requiere desalinización o purificación para beber, y éstas dependen de la electricidad.

Israel también ha reducido el suministro de agua que vende a Gaza, y parte de la red de agua ha resultado dañada por los bombardeos.

No hay justificación para estas acciones, que constituyen crímenes de guerra ordenados abiertamente por altos funcionarios israelíes.

Incluso ante el horror y el terror, siempre está prohibido dañar intencionalmente a civiles, sus propiedades y su infraestructura civil. Un delito no justifica otro, ni un tipo de injusticia justifica otro.

Los actos de venganza están prohibidos por principios morales básicos y por las disposiciones del derecho internacional que Israel está obligado a respetar.

Al contrario de lo que insinúan los ministros israelíes, esta política no es nueva, sino que se lleva aplicando en Gaza desde hace muchos años.

La muerte, la destrucción, el dolor y el horror que ha provocado no han dado lugar más que a más horror. Es hora de exigir una realidad diferente: un nuevo futuro para todos los que vivimos aquí.


B’Tselem – The Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories


B’Tselem: Revenge policy in motion; Israel committing war crimes in Gaza

On Saturday, hundreds of Palestinian militants entered Israel from the Gaza Strip, killing hundreds of civilians, soldiers and police officers, burning down homes and kidnapping more than 100 people. >

The full extent of these horrifying crimes is slowly coming to light.

The same evening, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu stated that Israel is at war with Gaza and will “forcefully avenge“.

He promised to reduce Hamas locations to rubble and told Gazans: “Get out now. We will act everywhere and with full force.” Defense Minister Yoav Gallant ordered all the crossings between Israel and Gaza closed and announced there would be “no electricity, no food, no fuel

– everything shut down. We are fighting against human animals and are acting accordingly.” This morning, the IDF Spokesperson said “the emphasis is on damage rather than on precision.”

A criminal policy of revenge is underway. Since Saturday, Israel has dropped hundreds of tons of bombs on Gaza. Netanyahu’s call for residents to leave is a farce with no bearing on reality. The Gaza Strip is closed off on all sides and the residents have no way out.

There are no shelters and no way to seek cover from airstrikes. Among the people killed, some of them still trapped under debris, are entire families wiped out in a single bombardment – including at least 140 minors and 105 women. The death toll is rising by the minute.

The order to prefer damage over precision has also been carried out. Hundreds of homes already lie in ruins, including residential towers reduced to rubble and houses that collapsed on top of the inhabitants. More than 180,000 people have been internally displaced.

Roads and public buildings, including schools and medical clinics, have been damaged by airstrikes. Hospitals are functioning only partially – some were damaged by bombing, and all are severely lacking medical equipment and fuel for electric generators.

The decision to imprison Gaza even more tightly than usual has also been implemented. The crossings are closed and goods cannot be brought in. Israel has disconnected Gaza from the power grid and the population now depends on the small local power plant,

which will only hold out for several days until the diesel fuel runs out. Water is also in short supply: almost all the water extracted in Gaza requires desalination or purification to drink, and these rely on electricity.

Israel has also cut back on the water it sells to Gaza, and part of the water network has been damaged by bombing.

There is no justification for these actions, which constitute war crimes openly ordered by top Israeli officials.

Even in the face of horror and terror – intentionally harming civilians, their property and civilian infrastructure is always prohibited. One crime does not justify another, nor does one kind of injustice justify another.

Acts of revenge are prohibited by basic moral principles and by the provisions of international law that Israel is obliged to uphold.

Contrary to what Israeli ministers are implying, this policy is not new, but has been implemented towards Gaza for many years.

The death, destruction, pain and horror it has wrought have led to nothing but more horror. It is time to demand to a different reality – a new future for all those who live here.

Comunicado Break the Silence / Israel – Palestina

Break the Silence, Israel Que quede muy claro: Hamás cometió crímenes que deberían horrorizar a cualquier persona decente. Como personas que criticamos firmemente la política israelí en Gaza y Cisjordania a diario, es nuestro deber decir las cosas como son: Hamás ha violado descaradamente las normas morales básicas de la humanidad.

Es imposible justificar las masacres de cientos de civiles, incluso en nombre de la lucha anticolonial o de la lucha popular. Es imposible construir justificaciones teóricas para el secuestro de madres y sus hijos, de personas mayores, de adolescentes. La lucha por los derechos humanos no distingue entre la sangre de unos seres humanos y otros. La legitimidad de la lucha por los derechos de una nación no puede ser una excusa para diezmar los derechos de otra. Ese es un principio básico: no sólo del derecho internacional, sino de la simple decencia moral. Sin esto lo único que queda es un ciclo de venganza ciega e indiscriminada. Aquellos que encuentran algún tipo de lógica teórica retorcida para justificar una masacre no están luchando por los derechos humanos y alejan aún más el objetivo de la liberación. Casi todos conocemos a alguien asesinado, tomado como rehén o que pasó horas encerrado en refugios antiaéreos temiendo por su vida. Estamos ansiosos por el bienestar de nuestras familias, así como de nuestros socios palestinos y de todos los civiles inocentes de esta tierra desde el río hasta el mar. Dedicamos nuestra vida a la lucha para poner fin a la ocupación y el asedio a Gaza porque ningún ser humano debería vivir bajo tiranía y porque la sangre de nadie es más roja que la de otro. Cada persona que vive en esta tierra merece vivir una vida digna, segura y libre. Por eso luchamos –y continuaremos luchando– contra el castigo colectivo, contra las políticas para “mantener la ocupación”. Contra las políticas de disparos indiscriminados en Gaza. Nuestra postura es clara: todo ser humano merece una vida segura y libre, tanto israelíes como palestinos. 9 octubre 2023

Breaking the Silence es una organización de soldados veteranos que han servido en el ejército israelí desde el comienzo de la Segunda Intifada y han sido responsables de exponer al público la realidad de la vida cotidiana en los Territorios Ocupados. Nos esforzamos por estimular el debate público sobre el precio que se paga por una realidad en la que los jóvenes soldados se enfrentan a diario a una población civil y participan en el control de la vida cotidiana de esa población. Nuestro trabajo tiene como objetivo poner fin a la ocupación.

Comunicado de la Internacional de Resistentes a la Guerra sobre el conflicto Israel – Palestina

La guerra es un crimen contra la humanidad:

paren la violencia inmediatamente en Israel-Palestina

Declaración de la ejecutiva de la IRG sobre la escalada de violencia en Israel-Palestina, octubre de 2023

Mientras la guerra a gran escala regresa nuevamente a Israel-Palestina, recurrimos a la declaración fundacional de la IRG: “La guerra es un crimen contra la humanidad. Por ello me comprometo a no apoyar ningún tipo de guerra, y a luchar por la eliminación de todas sus causas”.

A veces la guerra se libra con bombas y balas. A veces se combate restringiendo el acceso a los recursos que permiten a las personas satisfacer sus necesidades básicas y permitir que la humanidad florezca. Como antimilitaristas, podemos y siempre rechazaremos y condenaremos la violencia inmediata, deliberada y organizada que acapara los titulares y conmociona al mundo, y al mismo tiempo reconocemos que la violencia que ha ocurrido en Israel-Palestina desde el sábado 7 de octubre tiene sus raíces en un conflicto asimétrico y persistente de décadas.

También queremos reconocer que, aunque a muchos de nosotros nos llamará la atención la violencia impactante e inmediata, a menudo no actuamos ni nos involucramos en los momentos de actos de violencia y opresión “normales”, sostenidos pero no menos dañinos. Esto es cierto para Israel-Palestina, pero también para Nagorno-Karabaj, Rojava, Papúa Occidental y tantos otros lugares.

Cuando la violencia se recrudece, podemos sentir que necesitamos “elegir un bando”, y habrá muchas voces que nos exijan que lo hagamos. Sin embargo, también rechazamos esa forma binaria de ver el mundo, que nos hace pensar en los demás como enemigos a los que hay que oprimir o matar y eliminar la diferencia. No importa cuán ruidosas sean estas exigencias, sabemos que hay, ha habido y siempre habrá personas y comunidades que rechazan la falsa elección que exige la violencia. En lugar de esto, nos alineamos con quienes optan por construir la seguridad no con armas y bombas, sino construyendo la confianza y la cooperación de forma noviolenta, apoyando a quienes se niegan a matar incluso cuando se ven sometidos a una inmensa presión para hacerlo, y tal vez incluso se atrevan a imaginar un mundo más justo y pacífico. Queremos comprometernos de nuevo a escuchar y amplificar estas voces.

Nosotros, como comité ejecutivo de la Internacional de Resistentes a la Guerra, como personas de diferentes países y territorios, condenamos la violencia y la destrucción de todos los bandos, en cualquier forma y nos solidarizamos con los objetores de conciencia, y con todos aquellos que creen en estrategaias pacíficas y noviolentas para resolver los conflictos

No en mi nombre – Not on my name. Ada Colau, Mayor of Barcelona

Tanto hablar del choque de trenes en condicional o en futuro, cuesta asimilar que hoy haya llegado el día.
Una década de desidia del Partido Popular con Catalunya culmina hoy con la aprobación del Senado del artículo 155.
Rajoy lo ha presentado entre los aplausos de los suyos, para vergüenza de todos los que respetamos la dignidad y la democracia.
¿Aplaudían su fracaso?
Los que han sido incapaces de proponer ninguna solución, incapaces de escuchar y de gobernar para todos, consuman hoy el golpe a la democracia con la aniquilación del autogobierno catalán.

Por la misma vía, en contradirección, un tren más pequeño, el de los partidos independentistas, ha avanzado sin frenos, con prisa kamikace (ara és l’hora, tenim pressa), tras un error de lectura en las elecciones del 27S. Una velocidad impuesta por intereses partidistas, en una huída hacia adelante que se consuma hoy con una Declaración de Independencia hecha en nombre de Catalunya, pero que no cuenta con el apoyo mayoritario de los catalanes.
No nos cansaremos de repetirlo: es un error renunciar al 80% a favor de un referendum pactado, por un 48% a favor de la independencia.

Muchos, muchísimos, llevamos años advirtiendo del peligro y, en las últimas semanas, trabajando en público y en privado por evitar este choque. Somos mayoría, en Catalunya y en España, quienes queríamos que pararan las máquinas, que se impusiera el diálogo, la sensatez y una solución acordada.

Siempre estaremos a tiempo de volver al diálogo. Pase lo que pase, no dejaremos de pedirlo. Pero ahora nos toca defender las instituciones catalanas, luchar por preservar la cohesión social y la prosperidad de Barcelona y Catalunya. Estaremos con la gente, luchando para que no se vulneren sus derechos. Sanando las heridas que todo esto está causando, y apelando a las gentes del resto del estado para que luchemos juntos porque esta democracia que hoy peligra también es la suya. Tampoco dejaremos de pedir al PSOE/PSC que deje de apoyar a los que hoy aplauden, o será imposible que formen parte de ninguna alternativa creible e ilusionante.

Yo tengo claro dónde estaré: implicada en la construcción de nuevos escenarios de autogobierno que nos den más democracia, y no menos. Eso incluye trabajar para echar al PP, que hoy, con sus crueles aplausos, celebraba el dolor de todo un pueblo. Pero también, o sobre todo, trabajar para feminizar la política, para lograr que la empatía sea una práctica habitual que permita construir grandes consensos en los que nuestra diversidad sea nuestro mayor tesoro.
No en mi nombre: ni 155 ni DUI.


By Ada Colau [1]

Talking so much about the train crash on conditional or in the future, it is hard to assimilate that today is the day.
A decade of neglect of the Popular Party in Catalonia ends up today with the approval of the Senate of Article 155.
Rajoy has presented it among the applause of his own, to the shame of all those who respect dignity and democracy.

Did they applaud their failure?

Those who have been unable to propose any solution, unable to listen and to govern for all, today enact the blow to democracy with the annihilation of Catalan self-government.

In the same track, a smaller train, the one of the independence parties, has advanced without brakes, with kamikaze haste (we are in a hurry), after a mistakenly interpreting the elections of 27/9. A speed imposed by partisan interests, in a flight forward that is made concrete today with a Declaration of Independence made in the name of Catalonia, but which does not have the majority support of the Catalans.

We will not tire of repeating it: it is a mistake to give up 80% in favour of a referendum agreed, by a 48% in favour of independence.

We have been for many, many, many years warning of the danger and, in recent weeks, working in public and in private to avoid this shock. We are the majority, in Catalonia and in Spain, who wanted machines to stop, to impose dialogue, wisdom and an agreed solution.

We will always be in time to return to the dialogue. Whatever happens, we will not stop asking for it. But now we have to defend Catalan institutions, fight to preserve the social cohesion and prosperity of Barcelona and Catalonia. We will be with the people, fighting so that their rights are not violated. Healing the wounds that all this is causing, and appealing to the people of the rest of the state so that we fight together because this democracy that is in danger today is also theirs. Nor will we stop asking the PSOE / PSC to stop supporting those applauding today, or it will be impossible for them to be part of any credible and exciting alternative.

I am clear where I will be: involved in the construction of new scenarios of self-government that give us more democracy, not less. That includes working to kick out the PP, which today, with its cruel applause, celebrated the pain of an entire people. But also, or above all, work to feminize politics, to make empathy a habitual practice that allows us to build great consensus in which our diversity is our greatest treasure.

Not in my name: neither 155 nor DUI. [Unilateral Declaration of Independence]

1. Barcelona Mayor, for the platform Barcelona in Common

Nos queda la palabra. Debate sobre el momento que vivimos tras la independencia unilateral de Catalunya

A raíz de una intervención de Lieve Snellings en FaceBook se ha abierto un debate que necesita de la participación de todas las voces posibles para poder abarcar el complejo significado de lo que se está viviendo en esa zona y en el resto del Estado Español.

Os copio las intervenciones que aparece en su FaceBook y os animo a seguir aportando ideas. De momento deberemos hacer uso del traductor de Google. En Madrid no somos capaces de ofreceros traducciones de vuestras intervenciones y si no encontramos personas voluntarias que aporten su tiempo y su trabajo no podrá ser. Sé que Google es tedioso pero es una herramienta.

Google says:

Following a speech by Lieve Snellings in FaceBook, a debate has been opened that needs the participation of all possible voices to be able to cover the complex meaning of what is being lived in that area and in the rest of the Spanish State.

I copy the interventions that appear in your FaceBook and I encourage you to continue contributing ideas. For now we will use the Google translator. In Madrid we are not able to offer you translations of your interventions and if we do not find volunteers who contribute with their time and their work it cannot be. I know that Google is tedious but it is a tool.

Very well done, Google. (Will I lose my job as a teacher of English?) Yolanda JB


The importance of the Catalonia women’s voices within the civil society and the struggle for self-determination.

Received via Women in Black network.


In Catalonia we are experiencing an extraordinary situation like nothing we have seen before. The political conflict between the Government of Catalonia and the Government of Spain has reached a point where we are beginning to be afraid of what might happen.

The aim of the Catalan government and the independence movements to separate from Spain and create an independent state via a Unilateral Declaration of Independence has been met with the full force of the State, together with a block of organisations that defend the unity of Spain shutting of all forms of negotiation, and with the King, who is head of state and head of the armed forces, warning that force will increase.

Both parties to the conflict have a serious democratic deficit which they must address. The Catalan government must deal with 50% of the population that does not vote for political parties clearly aligned with calls for independence. The Government of Spain must handle its lack of an overall majority in Parliament, the disproportionate use of force against the civilian population, and all cases of corruption that continue to explode in their hands.

In the Catalan government’s favour is the mobilisation of a large swathe of the Catalan population that wants to be consulted in an independence referendum, whereas the Government of Spain is relying on the indifference, or rather the favourable position, of the European Commission and EU member states who have no appetite for a new conflict that threatens to dismantle its borders.

The tense situation reached its climax on 1 October when the referendum, considered illegal by the Spanish government, was held. 2.5 million people voted, which is more or less half the number eligible to vote. They faced action by the National Police, a police force that had no authority to operate in Catalonia according to the agreements establishing the Statute of Autonomy. The action was one of premeditated and selective violence, aimed at creating fear and showing who has the legitimate use of force and how they want to use it.

The police charges and the people wounded on referendum day are being recorded by various independent human rights bodies: from the SomDefensoras network, launched by international solidarity and human rights bodies in Catalonia, to other organisations such as Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch. The police action was premeditated and selective, since it began at precisely 9 am, when the polling stations opened, and happened throughout Catalonia to increase fear among the population and stop them from voting. In Barcelona the violence took place in large polling stations where it would influence more voters, and throughout the rest of Catalonia. The Civil Guard even arrived at villages with 50 or 100 inhabitants to stir up fear.

Faced with police violence and the lack of dialogue and negotiation between governments and political parties involved in the conflict, we should highlight the clearly non-violent response that civil society organisations have had to the situation of tension and conflict that we are experiencing. This peaceful movement is the Catalans’ trump card, which the Spanish government wants to tear up at all costs.

It is well known throughout Spain and Europe that Catalonia has a strong and organised civil society. To give just a few examples, I want to stress the diversity and robust organisation of the feminist movement which has considerable resources and partnerships; the mobilisation and self-organisation of migrants, whose voice is recognised within social movements; the network of the social and cooperative economy, the strongest in all of Spain, capable of supporting a parallel economic sector; and the networks and organisations that make up the 15-M Movement.

All these links in a long chain of mobilisation are organised and connected to defend people’s right to decide. In each neighbourhood, in each village, Referendum Defence Committees have been organised, bringing together independence activists and civil society organisations that work in other areas, to ensure that all people could vote on 1 October, whether ‘yes’ or ‘no’, at the polling stations. And from day 1 they worked to organise the general strike called by anarchist and minority trade unions for 3 October.

WhatsApp and online groups have strengthened in the days before 1 October. Every family, every university, every group of friends and every organisation received messages with instructions on how to act. The messages emphasised peaceful and non-violent action and the importance of caring for each other. These messages were key to coordinating people’s response to the police charges. At the Ramon Llull University in Barcelona people shouted “We are peaceful people” with their hands in the air, when the police began to charge indiscriminately. Coordinating the defence of polling stations was also essential. From 5 am in the morning each polling station was defended by dozens or hundreds of people who joined forces at the doors to protect them from possible police action.

On the subject of polling stations, I want to highlight the involvement of groups of mothers and fathers of students, who did everything they could to ensure that their neighbours could go out and vote, and to protect the facilities. They are from a state school that has been largely neglected by the current independence government, which clearly promotes private education and has savagely cut the education budget.

Speaking of the public education system, university students from state universities were very involved with the referendum day and the previous and subsequent days of mobilisation. From 27 September classes were suspended and they occupied university campuses to protest against the Spanish government’s actions. Firefighters have also been prominent, having publicly declared and followed through on their intention to protect polling stations and people against police violence.

The underground network that was created to provide booths, papers and documentation in conjunction with the electoral roll and polling stations and organised by independence parties also deserves a special mention.

A large swathe of Catalan society is being mobilised. We have experienced an extraordinary situation since 20 September when the government decided to arrest the Government of Catalonia and made it clear that its response to the conflict would include force. The conflict has escalated because the Catalan government too has not stemmed the tide and plans to declare independence unilaterally on Monday, 9 October.

This situation has led to a great deal of concern, and again civil society is organising itself to mobilise international human rights networks and contacts with other social movements in Spain to call for greater involvement and especially international observation, helping to reduce the potential for violence, with the threat of invoking Article 155 of the Spanish constitution to intervene in the government of Catalonia and send in the army.

Now we need all the support you can give us. We ask you to watch what is happening in Catalonia and mobilise your contacts so that you can receive information from them. We are not alone.

María Palomares Arenas

Director of Calala Fondo de Mujeres ”


Luz Gonzalez Rubio Hope you can read our communication as womem in Black group of Madrid of this month. Our vigil will be about Catalán problem. 52 per cent of population voted against independence and are beong silelnced by the nationalist people. The worker class are less benefiys. Only is beneficous this situation to both goverments because theirs corruption is being hidden. Now it is not in the news

Lieve Snellings I haven’t read this Luz. Maybe you can sent it as a comment here.
It is terrible how violently the Spanish police and governement has act.
Maria Palomares is talking about their fear of what can happen now.

Luz Gonzalez Rubio The bigger victim in Catalunya now is the truth
Ariane Brunet Let’s try not to start brandishing truth as the ultimate moral value here. Who’s truth? Truth does not suffer the beatings, the humiliations, the incarcerations, people do. Self-determination is a human right part of the Universal Declaration on human rights. People who we saw on videos from Barcelona were peacefully demonstrating. It’s a democratic process. The police we saw acting during these demonstrations were acting violently that’s a fact.

Now I don’t feel I can debate the truth of the reasons some Catalonian people believe their future lies in separation. I do notice that many regions within countries in the world today aspire at independence. Some argue for a better redistribution of wealth, some are surely led by nationalist ideology, some by greed, some think that people are better serve by more decentralize administration, more local oriented and more mindful of the environment. And some feel a need to develop more a coop-like economy better serve through local decision-making processes.

Cities these days are also fighting to obtain more autonomy. Being able to act with a more focus vision on a number of civic issues particular to urban environments. It is a phenomenon worthy of our attention and interest.

But Maria Palomares Arenas is specifically pinpointing the need of international observation assistance, mobilizing international human rights networks to help reduce a potential for violence as Madrid is posturing to invoke article 155 of the Spanish Constitution and intervening possibly by sending the army in Catalonia.

We certainly have a solidarity duty to respond to that request more than we have a role to play in debating the endemic corruption of today’s oligarchic democracies.

Lastly I am sure that WiB Madrid and all peace feminist activists will do their outmost to stop men’s posturing putting lives in danger. I also believe that women throughout Europe have to convince their respective country to engage Europe to get involve in a mediation process between Madrid and Catalonia. Isn’t one of the reason The European Union came to be?

Luz Gonzalez Rubio There are many kinds of violence. We are against the more visible, the police agression we saw on tv, but there is the violence children are suffering im hight schools because their parents are police, families that are injured because are not independist.
Justice and respect to human right must be toghether with noviolence.

Luz Gonzalez Rubio Alsp the truth. It is important, even in these times of posttruth.

Lieve Snellings I hope women in Espania and Catalunia will keep finding ways to build bridges.


 Luz Gonzalez Rubio I hope so. It is very necessary. We are ver sad and worry

Ariane Brunet I hope that women in Europe can come together and put pressure on their respective countries to get a EU mediation process to stop the escalation as we now heard that Catalonia declared independence and Madrid declared direct rule.

Yolanda EducaRueca It’s difficult for me to express my complete disagreement with the words from María Palomares Arena. Good thing that we both belong to a nonviolent group otherwise we could declare war to each other straight away. I join WiB in Madrid for every vigil even thou I am not part of the weekly debates where they
agree the statements. I think the one they produced for the vigil next Sunday is very positive. Here is the translation: _________________________________________________________ “As a woman, my country is the whole world”
Women in Black of Madrid are very worried and disturbed by the current situation in Cataluña and in the rest of Spain.We are also perplexed that all the other problems that plague our societies have disappeared from the media and the concerns of the governments as if they no longer existed.Both governments say they speak in the name of the people when in reality they speak in the interests of their own party. And between the two of them, they have succeeded in causing us to consider ourselves enemies of one another.Intimidation, fear and violence, the same tactics they use to confront the conflict through force, is pure militarization of conscience.As Women in Black we do not want them to divide us, to separate us as if we were enemies, and to make use of force: Not in our name nor with our money!As Women in Black we want:

To resolve conflicts in another way: to listen to each other, taking care with the manner in which things are said and done, avoid adding more fuel to the fire.

Extend bridges between people and communities, put oneself in the shoes of the other person, know their priorities and try to understand them, meet as women without borders.

Work collaboratively to achieve social progress and progress for women.

Ask the governments to really work for the people rather than divide us more than they have already done.

We call out against the launch of exceptional measures and impositions by both of the parties, and appeal for dialog and democratic, participatory negotiation.

Women in Black, based on our feminist, anti-militarist and nonviolence platform, express our conviction that alternatives must be sought to learn how to preclude conflicts resulting in more violence, rather seeking greater equity and justice for the civil society.

It is not enough to be against violence and war. One must analyze the causes that produce wars in order to avoid them.

Translation: Trisha Novak, USA

Lieve Snellings Yolanda EducaRueca in fact I do not see Maria Palomares‘ words in contradiction with this good and clear text of WiB Madrid: ‘… Both parties to the conflict have a serious democratic deficit which they must address. The Catalan government must deal with 50% of the population that does not vote for political parties clearly aligned with calls for independence. The Government of Spain must handle its lack of an overall majority in Parliament, the disproportionate use of force against the civilian population, and all cases of corruption that continue to explode in their hands…’

But I understand it is not easy.
I had to think a lot at Cynhia Cockburn’s book ‘From Where We Stand’. We all see things ‘from where we stand’. I do have no answers and I care for you Spanish and Catalunian WiB’s. And I hope there will be a way out of these troubles.

Yolanda EducaRueca The Spanish police as much as the catalan police have been brutally attacking us at the time of the occupy movement 15M. Our last action in Madrid against an arms trade fair has imposed on us a fine of €10.000.

Lieve Snellings Yolanda EducaRueca I suppose we all agree on not agreeing with this police violence. Thinking of you all.
 Luz Gonzalez Rubio I suppose we all dont agree with any kind of violence. It is because wr are against this independent proccess that awaked violance, hate and ennemies in a region

Yolanda EducaRueca The use of force. To tell you the truth the brutal use of police force has nothing to do with this matter. The decision to declare independence was long ago taken as much as the repression from the Spanish government. I very much fear that none of our politicians wanted to see the results of a legal referendum.

Yolanda EducaRueca Lieve Snellings Lieve Snellings I don’t completely agree with your words when you say: “The Catalan government must deal with 50% of the population that does not vote for political parties clearly aligned with calls for independence”. We need this debVer más
Ellen Lucey Buikema What a hot mess!

Yolanda EducaRueca 80% of the population has voted in favour of a referendum and I think they fully have the right to decide. Today 51.8% of the members of the Catalan Parliament not representing even the 50% of the population have voted unilateral independence. Rural votes, very nationalist and right wing conservative votes are worth much more than city votes much more left sided. They should not speak in the name of all the Catalan people. Being the very richest area in the State of Spain is not a coincidence. It happens in many other places in Europe, wealthiest regions wanting independences as well. I agree with nearly all the demands of the most radical leftist party, the CUP, except with the independence. I am the opinion that all of us who are struggling for a better world should stay somehow as a federal state together. I think anarchism is about that as Emma Goldman described it.

Maria Palomares Dear all, thanks for your comments. Since the conflict is scalating and arriving to their final positions, I undertand it is more difficult to no be driven by fear and feelings. I’m worry about hoe to deal with desitions that don’t represent everybody. I just want you to know that between the people who is right now celebrating the Catalan Republic there is feminist, antifacist, migrant women, human right defenders and so on. And they were always allies of Spanish and international social movement. Just only for this, because we have links that have been joining us for decades, we have the obligation to calmly hear each other. And other point it that there is really is a majority in Catalonia who want a referendum with guarantees to exprese themselves. Spanish colegues should support us in this. Thanks



Como mujer, mi patria es el mundo entero

+ Traducción al inglés e italiano

El 29 de octubre de 2017, último domingo de mes
En la Plaza Mayor (junto al caballo), a las 12 horas
Mujeres de Negro contra la guerra – Madrid

a una concentración de negro y en silencio.

“Como mujer, mi patria es el mundo entero”

Como Mujeres de Negro no queremos que nos dividan, no queremos que nos separen como enemigas/os, no queremos que utilicen la fuerza: ¡No en nuestro nombre ni con nuestro dinero!

Mujeres de Negro, desde nuestros planteamientos feministas, antimilitaristas y noviolentos, expresamos el convencimiento de que hay que buscar alternativas para aprender a conseguir que los conflictos no deriven en más violencia, sino en mayor equidad y justicia para la sociedad civil.
No basta con estar en contra de la violencia y las guerras, hay que analizar las causas que las producen para poder evitarlas.

Expulsemos la guerra y la violencia
de la historia
y de nuestras vidas

C/ San Cosme y San Damián, Nº 24, 2º
28012 – Madrid


Como mujer, mi patria es el mundo entero

Mujeres de Negro de Madrid estamos muy preocupadas y muy desazonadas por la situación que se está viviendo en Cataluña y en el resto de España.

También vemos con gran perplejidad que todos los demás problemas que acucian a nuestras sociedades han desaparecido de los medios de comunicación y de las preocupaciones de los gobiernos como si no continuaran existiendo.

Los dos gobiernos hablan en nombre del pueblo cuando en realidad lo hacen siguiendo sus intereses partidistas. Y entre los dos han conseguido que nos consideremos enemigas/os entre nosotras/os.
El uso que se hace de la intimidación, del miedo y de la violencia; la misma forma que tienen de enfrentar el conflicto por la fuerza es pura militarización de las conciencias.

Como Mujeres de Negro no queremos que nos dividan, no queremos que nos separen como enemigas/os, no queremos que utilicen la fuerza: ¡No en nuestro nombre ni con nuestro dinero!

Como Mujeres de Negro queremos:

♀ Resolver los conflictos de otra manera: escuchándonos, cuidando la manera en cómo se hacen y dicen las cosas, evitando echar más leña al fuego.

♀ Tender puentes entre las personas y las comunidades, ponerse en el lugar de la otra parte, conocer sus prioridades y tratar de entenderlas. Encontrarnos como mujeres, por encima de las fronteras.

♀ Hacer un trabajo colaborativo para conseguir progresos sociales y de las mujeres.

♀ Pedir a los gobiernos que trabajen realmente por la gente y que no nos dividan más de lo que ya lo han hecho.

♀ Hacemos un llamamiento en contra de la puesta en marcha de medidas excepcionales e imposiciones por las partes, apelamos al diálogo y la negociación democrática y participativa.

Mujeres de Negro, desde nuestros planteamientos feministas, antimilitaristas y noviolentos, expresamos el convencimiento de que hay que buscar alternativas para aprender a conseguir que los conflictos no deriven en más violencia, sino en mayor equidad y justicia para la sociedad civil.

No basta con estar en contra de la violencia y las guerras, hay que analizar las causas que las producen para poder evitarlas.

_ “As a woman, my country is the whole world”

Women in Black of Madrid are very worried and disturbed by the current situation in Cataluña and in the rest of Spain.

We are also perplexed that all the other problems that plague our societies have disappeared from the media and the concerns of the governments as if they no longer existed.

Both governments say they speak in the name of the people when in reality they speak in the interests of their own party. And between the two of them, they have succeeded in causing us to consider ourselves enemies of one another.

Intimidation, fear and violence, the same tactics they use to confront the conflict through force, is pure militarization of conscience.

As Women in Black we do not want them to divide us, to separate us as if we were enemies, and to make use of force: Not in our name nor with our money!

As Women in Black we want:

To resolve conflicts in another way: to listen to each other, taking care with the manner in which things are said and done, avoid adding more fuel to the fire.

Extend bridges between people and communities, put oneself in the shoes of the other person, know their priorities and try to understand them, meet as women without borders.

Work collaboratively to achieve social progress and progress for women.

Ask the governments to really work for the people rather than divide us more than they have already done.

We call out against the launch of exceptional measures and impositions by both of the parties, and appeal for dialog and democratic, participatory negotiation.

Women in Black, based on our feminist, anti-militarist and nonviolence platform, express our conviction that alternatives must be sought to learn how to preclude conflicts resulting in more violence, rather seeking greater equity and justice for the civil society.

It is not enough to be against violence and war. One must analyze the causes that produce wars in order to avoid them.

Translation: Trisha Novak, USA



Così dicono le Donne in Nero di Madrid di fronte alla preoccupante situazione che si sta vivendo in Spagna:


“Come donna, la mia patria è il mondo intero”


Noi Donne in Nero di Madrid siamo molto preoccupate e dispiaciute per la situazione che si sta vivendo in Catalogna e nel resto della Spagna.

Vediamo anche con gran perplessità che tutti gli altri problemi delle nostre società sono spariti dai media e dalle preoccupazioni dei governi come se non esistessero più.

I due governi parlano in nomee del popolo mentre in realtà agiscono secondo i loro interessi di partito. E entrambi son riusciti a far sì che ci consideriamo nemiche/ci tra noi.
Usano l’intimidazione, la paura e la violenza; la stessa forma con cui affrontano il conflitto con la forza è pura militarizzazione delle coscienze.

Come Donne in Nero non vogliamo che ci dividano, non vogliamo che ci separino come nemiche/ci, non vogliamo che si utilizzi la forza: Non in nostro nome né con il nostro denaro!

Come Donne in Nero vogliamo:

Risolvere i conflitti in un altro modo: ascoltandoci, facendo attenzione al modo in cui si fanno e si dicono le cose, evitando di mettere altra legna sul fuoco.
Tendere ponti tra le persone e le comunità, mettersi nei panni dell’altra parte, conoscere le sue priorità e cercare di capirle. Incontrarci tra donne, al di sopra delle frontiere.
Lavorare collaborando insieme per realizzare progressi sociali e delle donne.
Chiedere ai governi di lavorare realmente per la gente e che non ci dividano più di quanto hanno già fatto.
Facciamo un appello contro l’adozione di misure eccezionali e imposizioni dalle due parti, invitiamo al dialogo e al negoziato democratico e partecipativo.

Noi Donne in Nero, dalle nostre posizioni femministe, antimilitariste e nonviolente, esprimiamo la convinzione che si devono cercare alternative per imparare a far sì che i conflitti non degenerino in maggior violenza, ma generino maggior equità e giustizia per la società civile.

Non basta essere contro la violenza e le guerre, occorre analizzare le cause che le producono per poterle evitare.